Pelin Poçan
- English
- Türkçe

Room No: FDE Z08
Tel No: +90 (312) 210-7327
Fax No: +90 (312) 210-2767
- BSc, Middle East Technical University, Department of Food Engineering, 2013.
- MSc, Middle East Technical University, Department of Food Engineering, 2015.
- PhD, Middle East Technical University, Department of Food Engineering, 2015-
Research Interests
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Detect Quality Parameters of Food Products
- Detection of Crystallization and Moisture Distribution of Confectionary Products via NMR Relaxometry
- Textural Analysis of Confectionary Products
- Enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass
- Characterization of nanoemulsions via NMR Relaxometry and Particle Size Analysis
MSc Thesis Title: Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Fruit Peels and Other Lignocellulosic Biomass as a Source of Sugar
PhD Dissertation Title: Use of Low Resolution NMR Relaxometry and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to Design and Characterize Soft Candy Products
- Pocan, P., Bahcegul, E., Oztop, M. H., & Hamamci, H. (2018). Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Fruit Peels and Other Lignocellulosic Biomass as a Source of Sugar. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 9(6), 929–937.
- Kilercioğlu, M., Ozel, B., Karaçam, C.H., Poçan, P., Oztop, M.H., 2015. Yüksek Sıcaklığın Ve Nemli Ortamın Fındıktaki Su Ve Yağ Dağılımına Olan Etkisinin Manyetik Rezonans Görüntüleme (MRG) Ve NMR Relaksometre Teknikleri İle Belirlenmesi. GIDA 40, 141–148.
- Pocan, P., Ilhan, E., & Oztop, M. H. (2019). Characterization of Emulsion Stabilization Properties of Gum Tragacanth, Xanthan Gum and Sucrose Monopalmitate: A Comparative Study. Journal of Food Science, 84(5), 1087–1093.
- Pocan, P., Ilhan, E., & Oztop, M. H. (2019b). Effect of d-psicose substitution on gelatin based soft candies: A TD-NMR study. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, (Special Issue), 661–673.
- Ilhan, E., Poçan, P., Ogawa, M., & Oztop, M. H. (1999). Role of “D-allulose” in a starch based composite gel matrix. Carbohydrate Polymers, 437–453.
Poster Presentations:
- Pocan P., Oztop M.H., Alacik İ., Exploring the Syneresis Behavior of Turkish Delights Prepared in Microwave Oven, The 2nd International Symposium on “Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus”, October 24-26 2013, Struga, Macedonia.
- Oztop M.H., Ozel B., Karacam C.H, Pocan P., Kilercioğlu M. Investigating Of The Effect Of High Temperature And Humidity On Water And Fat Distribution In Hazelnuts By Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Mri) And Nmr Relaxometry Techniques. IFT Annual Meeting, June 21-24 2014, New Orleans, USA.
- Pocan P., Oztop M.H., Hamamcı H. Farklı Lignoselülozik Biyokütlelerin Enzimatik Hidrolizi, 9th Food Engineering Congress, November 12-14 2015, İzmir, Turkey.
- Pocan P., Akbaş E., Beylikçi S., Öztop M. H. Biyopolimer Eklenmiş Kapsaisin Yüklü Nanoemülsiyonların Tasarlanması . 12th Food Congress. October 05-07 2016, Edirne, Turkey..
- Pocan P., Ilhan E., Akbas E., Oztop M.H. Kitre Zamkının Emülsiyon Stabilitesi Üzerindeki Etki Mekanizmasının Araştırılması. 10th Food Engineering Congress, November 09-11, 2017, Antalya, Turkey.
- Poçan P., İlhan E., Ates E., Oztop M.H. NMR Relaxation Spectrum Analysis for Soft Candies. International Eurasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Science, April 26-27 2018, Ankara, Turkey.
- Ilhan E., Poçan P., Oztop M.H. Textural Characterization of Low Calorie Gelatin and Starch Based Soft Candies. International Eurasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Science, April 26-27 2018, Ankara, Turkey.
Oral Presentations:
- Pocan P., Bahcegul E., Oztop M.H., Hamamcı H. Fermentasyon için Şeker Kaynağı Olarak Kullanılmak Üzere Meyve Kabuklarının ve diğer Lignoselülozik Biyokütlelerin Enzimatik Hidrolizi. 18th Biotechnology Congress, December 18-19 2015, Konya, Turkey.
- Pocan P., Akbas E., Oztop M.H. Biyopolimerlerle Stabilize Edilmiş Acı Biber Ekstraktı Nanoemülsiyonlarının Kalite Özellikleri. International Agriculture, Environment and Health Congress, October 26-28 2018, Aydın, Turkey. (Tam metin bildiri)
Last Updated:
12/07/2021 - 11:29